Cdaddy wrote:
Can you just manually open and close most of them?
bobndot wrote:
Yes, Unless it binds in it's rack.
an average slide is 300-400-500#.
You might need 2 people, mechanical know-how and some tools to get it back in before you can move the rig. That's where the malfunctioning slide issue is different than a malfunctioning water pump.
And therein lies the rub. ;) A few years ago we were overnigting at the Flatwoods KOA in Sutton, WV, on our way home from a two week trip ... an older couple in a huge triple slide 5th on the site beside us were having problems with all three of their slides. The rig was only a couple of years old and had previously been in for slide service at the dealer on two separate occasions ... now here they were hundreds of miles from home and couldn't retract their slides. :E I offered to help but at that time really knew so little about them that about all I could offer was moral support. By next morning they had managed to get one of the slides to retract but couldn't get the other two into the travel position and were trying to find someone, anyone, to come out and take a look in hopes they could at least get back on the road and go home to their selling dealer. We owned our non-slide KZ Spree at the time and I can easily say we were quite happy to be avoiding these types of issues ourselves. As has been said, losing a water pump is one thing, a non-operating slide is quite another, especially when you're a l-o-n-g way from home. :M