Forum Discussion

flakjacket's avatar
Mar 29, 2019

Slide out pantry removal question

Anybody know how to remove the slide mechanism in the pantry that slides out. Usually you can find the catch/release and pull any drawers out or file cabinets etc..., but I can't find the release for the slideout pantry.
  • I removed ours, I cant really remember

    barley shows front screws...
    but i think frame would go in far enough to expose the front screws that mounted it to wall, then pulling out exposed the rest...
  • That's not good news, not good at all. I can try to take the screws out that mount the slideout frame to the camper, but only about 3/4 of them are accessible.
  • metal frame that baskets hang from? IF its like ours the rails do not seperate, no release. Pressed metal tabs that lock the 3 pieces together, they are screwed to frame as an assembly.