06honda wrote:
Wow great feedback, nice to see such an active forum. Many good points:
"I'd be awfully cautious about thinking a particularly small trailer with a wet bath would work for such a long and continuous time. A few days at a time, maybe a week or so, sure - but 3 months trying to live out of a tiny trailer, especially where it rains a lot, is asking an awful lot." Very good point for sure. May be able to get away with no shower and just do that every few days at a truck stop or camp site.
I did come across a "Scamp" in Ontario: Small for sure but cost wise not too bad.
Scamp Trailer
I had a Scamp for one year. Yeah, its small inside and the rounded corners take away from upper storage space. The windows were small and so was the wet bath. The walls were covered with a soft insulating material called Ensolite, affectionately referred to as "rat fur". It does have the advantage of being all fiberglass but there are still roof penetrations that must be kept sealed. I did have a leak around the A/C that had to be fixed. I always felt like I was in a cocoon and actually preferred my Aliner, with no bathroom, to the Scamp.
Sold the Scamp and bought a 16 ft conventional TT with a real bathroom. Much more pleasant experience for me. However, Scamp/Casita has a loyal following and the are many that love their little "egg" campers, just was not my "cup of tea".