06honda wrote:
We are selling our home this summer and moving into a 2 bedroom new rental apartment so we can do some travelling when we feel like it. Thankfully the home is paid for so that makes our money situation going forward just fine. Decided to do this a little earlier when we are still able to, no point until waiting to long :)
Exactly what we'd like to do once our boys move out and my wife retires, in our case spending a few of our Canadian winter months traveling around Australia where we have family. Earlier you mentioned spending 3 months during the summer on The Rock and traveling around a bit ... just wondering if you might be better served with a Class B MH that's as easy to drive and park as any van. One of my nieces and her SO built a truck camper a couple of years ago, traveling Down East with it, but last year sold it and bought a Mercedes van. He completely outfitted it as a camper, last fall used it for an extended trip out to BC, and concluded that although it's tighter inside than a travel trailer it was also much easier to deal with when traveling. Just a thought that I think would simplify what you're attempting to do.