If it matters to you , I would research how F/River treats customers after the purchase.
two other things should be looked into.
check the tires: there should be NO surprises ($$$$) once you make this purchase.
They may very well 'cheap out' on the tires. Look up the weight rating of the OEM SIZE stock tires being installed.
If this is the model you are interested in, look at the gross trailer weight , that's what you will be rolling down the road at. I would make sure the 225 tires have enough weight rating with a 15% extra margin of safety to carry the approx., 9k load. If not...you have to take measurements to see if a larger "E" tire will fit in the wheel wells. That means possible new wheels as well. Wheels usually have PSI rating to match the tire installed.
The fact that new Sol's are leaking, worries me. I have read that from various owners .
It tells me , poor QC and they just push them out the door.
"The dealer took care of it" is nice but really ? New TT's that leak and need to be repaired from a dealer ? "It was only a minor leak" ?
Minor leaks are only minor if you are lucky enough to discover them in time. If they go undiscovered while being stored somewhere, it can easily become a major problem and you will testing how FR treats you during the warranty period. Does the company try to wiggle out of things and leave the dealer holding the bag ?
http://www.forestriverforums.com/forums/f96/calling-all-solaire-owners-54121.html https://www.rv.net/forum/index.cfm/fuseaction/thread/tid/28779026.cfm