Take it down to where you can just attach your sewer hose. The lower it is the less it 'wiggles'...lol
Both of us always slept in the extended cap over in our Lance off the truck with no support on the front....and we ain't lightweights either....
I always figured (must have been right) that there was enough counterbalance in the back to offset our 'tonnage' up front....
Never upended the camper.
Even my P'UP we use off the truck and sleep in the cab over with no 'upending' and it's a heck of a lot lighter than the Lance was.
Most of your weight is behind the theoritical Cg., anyway...and with the jacks down (and camper lowered as much as possible, the centerpoint (tipping point) actually becomes the front jack legs so you have even more mass behind the centerpoint. IOW, it anin't tipping over on it's nose.
The braces add a bit of stability bit I doubt the camper will upend, ours never did (sold Lance) and the new one don't either.