This is a Lance with an aluminum roof , but if you mount it in a similar place you can hit framing at the front two and side mounting points easy as there is always framing at the transition from roof to siding and along the edge of the camper ,the only spot to be carfull to hit framing is in the center of the roof . You should be able to tell where that layout starts buy the trim strips inside the camper on the ceiling , the trim has framing behind it .
here I used a long enough piece of alum to hit two joists
I used two pieces of alum angle to form a Z , adjusted for the angle of the roof.
You can run new wire down the refer vent if its not large already , but mine was # 10 , thats large enough for 140 watts . Make sure you get sun light resistant wire to wire the panel to the vent , and I would forget the existing plug and just hard wire it into the existing wire W/ wire nuts and tape it up down inside the refer vent
Arizona wind and sun is a good place to look online , they will ship panels to 140 watts UPS and have everything else you need