Heymon, I thought AZ was being succinct and honest and if minimal efforts to keep the tweakers out make them move to the guy next doors camper, then that's great. But whether they get in or not, at least they'll beat the sht out of your camper trying.
Now if it was curious teenagers or something, you may have a chance, but tweakers pretty mcunwont stop if they need a fix. He!!, we got a $50million construction project because tweakers spent weeks gutting the old copper wiring out of a moveable bridge 80' above the water and about 250' in the air. They also steal live wiring out of concrete vaults and junction boxes with a heck of a lot better locks than a camper. Break the windows out of an old job truck that clearly has basically nothing in it and make off with a couple used pairs of gloves and a $25 magnetic strobe light.
Out of the number of thefts that I couldn't count on my fingers, yours and a couple other peoples, my personal favorite was when they dismantled a tow behind light tower. Took the engine, generator, fuel tank and 1 of the light bulbs and left the trailer/chassis behind!
Why? when 2 of them could have literally pushed the whole trailer by hand? Because they couldn't get it out of the fence, so they spent idk how many hours over a long weekend disassembling it into small enough pieces to be carried by hand.
If you haven't had these experiences, you're lucky and also naive.
Best of luck. Hopefully the area isn't known for theft and it was an isolated incident!