Same job as some of the live wire thefts and the light plant jigsaw puzzle, they broke into our job trailers. Windows and doors were barred. Got keys to one of the job trucks, hooked up one of our employees travel trailers. He had gone home for the weekend.
Towed the whole mess out of there. Through the fence btw.
Big yellow crew cab dually.
BTW, for the "trailer came off the hitch thread" folks. Truck had a 2" pintle. TT was 2&5 hitch and had at least 1 flat tire. Trailer never popped off the hitch and they had to have towed it down US 99 through downtown for some distance.
I could write a godd@m book on what, how, where crackheads have cleaned us out of tools and other things over the years. The only fun part is if ya actually catch 1 or 2 in the act! It's only happened a couple times, but it's pretty satisfying to beat the tar out of someone who really deserves it and have the cops just snicker and haul them away for you!