Forum Discussion

TraciK's avatar
Oct 03, 2013

storing tc on slope?

As of right now dh is ready to drive the tc over a cliff. lol

We have it stored in the backyard and its a bit of a pain getting it in and out. Would be a real pain when grass is wet. Which it is right now. We just paid $5500 to have out yard sodded this summer. We don't want to tear it up with the truck rutting it out. So, we cane up with a plan. IT FAILED!! We spent $150 on the stuff yesterday and spent hours outside in 90 degree heat today. UGH We built a version of a car creeper but much bigger. Bought castors that were each for 450 pounds. We were thinking we could keep tc on this and also it would make it easier to move it in the wet yard and dh could just drive truck right up to it after we moved it a little. We made tracks out of plywood and put little rails on the side, so the wheels wouldn't roll off. WELL, we could barely push the dang thing on the tracks it was so heavy and the swivel tires weren't helping.

I so wish it would fit in our garage but its about a foot too tall.

So, my question is can we store this thing on a slope drive way if the tc itself is level?

If this is not an option we will just have to pay to store it.

Thanks for listing to my rant!!