Since Husky company makes your Quest Brake Controller and they like helping people to ensure lower product returns, suggest calling Husky Tech Support for help as well.
As per their web site
- Click Here - your exact Quest vehicle isn't listed. Thus, universal cabling / connectors will need to be installed. And, it appears their part number 31693 will need to be used as well. Before buying anymore items, suggest calling their Tech Support line directly. And while chatting with them, do ask if universal wiring is connected to Brake Pedal wiring or it must be connected to the vehicle's BCM (like on my mini-van).
If wondering, their Tech Support is:
Tech Support: techinfo@huskytow.com
Dealers Orders: 800-495-5858 (USA), 800-361-5227 (Canada)
Product Information, Technical Support or Warranty:
Phone: 877-544-4449, Fax: 855-242-8922
Hours of Operation: Monday through Friday, 8am-6pm Eastern Standard Time
Hope this helps as well…