dreeder wrote:
It is what it is, all public forums have these issues, this forum is very mild in my opinion. Most people on here seem to be pretty polite. Of course threads like 1/2 ton vs 3/4 ton or gas vs. diesel are very opinionated and get out of line sometimes but thats just the way it is, no harm is actually done.
Most of the time when I see someone announce that they are leaving a forum it is because they get so frustrated that there opinion doesn't matter as much as they think it should, they take their ball and go home.
X2. Many, but not all, public forums I have seen are all like this. There are always some people who want to write nasty responses to others. I have seen forums where it is a LOT worse, where posters have actually hired attorneys to go after others because of postings. Threats of violence etc.
Best to just read and only post when you have something useful to say.