Forum Discussion

GeoBoy's avatar
May 26, 2017

TCing in the Redwoods NP

We are going to visit the Redwoods NP, this year. There doesn't seem to be any transportation system like in Yosemite NP. Is it fairly easy to visit and get around the park with our TC? Thanks.
  • Couple of things. That area is great plus there are a lot of nearby other great places. Mouth of the Klamath, Patricks Point State Park. Fern Canyon at Gold Beach in Prairie Creek Redwoods State park. complete with Roosevelt Elk on the beaches and trails

    Fern Canyon

  • Those are some of the more obscure roads in the park, most people do not see them. But I would argue with them if necessary that a TC is not covered by their MH/RV prohibition. Would they let a pickup through? Of course. A pickup with a cap? Of course. A pickup with a lumber rack and lots of camping gear on top? Of course.
  • Some of that park's scenic drives say motorhomes/RVs not advised, some say prohibited. I don't know if they count your TC as an RV. You might want to check.

    Is length or width of the rig that bothers them? My 20 ft long 87" wide Class C was not allowed on one of the roads; I've forgotten which road that was. I do know that I contacted them with rig size data before my trip and they said no RV's period.
  • We stayed at a Benbo KOA on the eel river couple years back (plenty of room for TC), if you golf there's a golf course but bring your own clubs, balls and tee's cause those are going to cost extra...

    Then there's a historic hotel on the other side of the campground, great long island ice teas in the lounge and a lot of history.
  • There is no problem driving your TC wherever you want to go in Redwood NP, done it many times.
  • I don't believe you will have an issue. The Avenue of the Giants can get a little tight. Just slow it down. The advantage is the logging trucks mostly stay on 101, not the avenue. Two nice RV parks in Redcrest. I wasn't happy at all with all the young bums in Garberville, didn't even stop for gas. Otherwise all the little towns are fun and interesting...if you ever get tired of looking at the trees!