jimh425 wrote:
Tiger inventory is at the link. Small Class Cs don't work for me, but people like them, or they wouldn't sell them. The ones at the link including used ones are mid 90s to 150s. I didn't look at all of them.
I saw a 34ft Class C Thor built on a regular cab Ford on YouTube last night. They said it was great for off road since it was 4x4. Maybe, but good luck turning it around on the roads I frequent. I'm sure it could turn on most logging roads, but it had more length than the Class A I owned.
A cross between that Thor and the Tigers might be cool. As it is, I still need a pickup bed from time to time.
Interesting. To get the pricing I had to access the factory website too. A basic looking, plain jane unit nearly 2-years old is $100K there. The base unit uses the Chevrolet 8.1 gas engine @ $116K plus ANY options, and up to $4,500.00 for delivery charges, plus Tax, title, and licensing in the owner's home state. The factory website really makes you have to probe and search several pages and drop-down boxes to get to their price list(s) however, they're the only reliable source for pricing them out anyway.