Forum Discussion

SoonDockin's avatar
Explorer II
Sep 07, 2022

Tie Down Angle Best Practice

With my new Ram 5500 and flatbed, I have pretty much infinite choice where to anchor the truck end of the Torklift Fastguns.

Now for the theory question. Will they be better off pulling straight down, slight angle or more angle like this /.

I see where straight down would likely put less strain on the camper where the loop is attached but I don't even play an engineer on tv.

Anyone have thoughts?
  • Good idea. I’ll message them.

    I was told one pulling forward and one pulling rearward is preferred. First choice front pulling forward and rear pulling rearward. Thats how my frame mounted system on my F450 was. Seemed to keep it in place just fine.
  • Ideal?
    1 set angled a little forward, 1 set angled a little back and both sets angled inward a little.
    Reality, depends how well you retain the camper on the flatbed. Certainly it can slide backwards, generally, but should definitely be blocked from being able to slide forward at all. And preferably, IMO, sufficiently restrained or blocked from sliding side to side more than the tolerance required to load it (think fender wells in a pickup bed).

    Regardless, not rocket surgery and you have experience tieing down and hauling this camper, so use your experience to effect your preferences.
  • One other thought, it might also be useful to find out from Torklift what difference it makes in how to tighten the Fast Guns based on angle/length of the Fast Guns.
  • It does make sense to have opposing angles. \ / so that’s where I am leaning. Thanks for the replies.
  • MORSNOW's avatar
    Navigator III
    Straight up and down is the least preferred as it allows the camper to move all over. The attached HappiJac illustration shows the most preferred holding angles. You'll them facing forward/backward and then angled inwards to hold in every direction.

  • I would ask Arctic Fox if that is what you are hauling.
  • I know straight down is the least preferred as it can allow a pendulum type movement. I'm sure others will respond but looking at any side of your truck, a 2:00 to 6:00 position in the front with a 10:00 to 6:00 in the back would snug things down fine.