HJ's in my opinion are better for TC'ers who go "more off-road" than the average bear. I have been in situations on rocky off roading conditions where I had to take off a forward TL. I have not been in a situation where I had to remove the rear TL due to an obstacle.
I am always aware of these rugged situations... usually it is in a scenario where I am in 4WD low and I am always scanning the upcoming terrain. HJ's would make the more extreme (in relation to most "city" TC'ers) a bit more easier than the TL's.
I am not an extreme TC'er, but I would hazard a guess that I go in places where 80+ percent members here would not go... TL's can work in rugged terrain, but as always the eyes looking ahead make for the safe and damage-free camping trip.
Both HJ's and TL's are good equipment.
TL's have their disadvantages (which is why I would opt for HJ's next time)... you have an added piece that hangs down. They do not hold up well. Mine had the finish chip off almost from day 1 and I need to spray paint them every years or so to keep rust build up in check... forget about the portions that are under the truck... rust city.
The ice and snow build-up on the TL's in winter are almost impossible to remove if the chunder freezes in place.
I will say that the Tork Lift Fastguns are tough. I accidentally ran over one and it only bent the handle: