JRscooby wrote:
Go up a 10 mile long grade at 60 MPH, takes you 10 minutes. Up the same grade at 30, takes 20 minutes. Now how much of your drive is steep enough to pull you down to 30? And the diesel will drop some speed too.
Bet if you really ran the numbers, in the course of a day you might save half hour, unless you are speeding in the diesel. Of course that does not account for the assault on manhood of somebody passing you.
And a smidge more than a smidge of diesel jealousy in this post…..
I mean, I get it. There’s a lot of people that can afford a lot more than I can. But I don’t find their “forums” and tell them how stupid their $250k super cars or private jets are….even though I secretly wish I had an extra few or few hundred million to p!ss away on whatever suits my fancy. I’m not even sore about it.
You may be happier if you quit outwardly lamenting in the general form of 3rd grade level insults and just keep living.
Or in other words, Lighten up Francis! Lol