Forum Discussion

poultney's avatar
Jan 17, 2015

Tire wear

Hi I have dual axle 30 foot tt right rear tire wearing more than the other 3 from outside to inside on tread original Chinese tires bent axle or bad tire ? Tire is worn down to rubber on outside but more tread as it goes in thanks for any comments
  • If only one tire and other three look relatively fine, could be a loose wheel bearing, bent spindle, possible overload, maybe bent axle, dragging brake, incorrect psi or suspension problem. Take it to a reputable frame and axle shop and get the alignment checked and also inspect for other issues. Won't cost that much and could save you a lot of trouble and expense down the road.

    Age, mileage & history on tires? What does the tire wear look like? Even all across? Lippert tire wear chart. Another tire wear chart here. I helped someone change a tire on their TT last summer which was evenly bald across the tread. Turned out he had a badly loose worn bearing - courtesy the PO who did a bearing repack.

    I wouldn't be blaming Chinese tires straight off without digging deeper first.
  • Might be kinda a PITA to do, but I would swap positions with another tire on your trailer.

    If the "new" tire that is placed into the position where the one with the wear problems was and it has the same wear patterns like the one that was removed from there, then it would be obvious that the problem is an axle/alignment issue.

    If the bad tire continues to wear uneven, then it's a problem unique to that tire and replace it with the spare.