Ron Gratz wrote:
BubbaChris wrote:
TT total - 6,175
Tongue weight - 575
TV w/o TT - 6,600
TV w/ TT - 7,715
Rear Axle w/o TT - 3400
Rear Axle w/TT - 4125
Front Axle w/o TT - 3200
Front Axle w/ TT - 3050
Your scales data indicate a tongue weight of 653# with 78# being transferred to the TT's axles.
The indicated tongue weight percentage is 653/6175 = 10.6%.
Before taking any steps toward increasing the tongue weight, you should check the rear GAWR value listed on the driver's door edge or pillar.
I think the measured 4125# is pretty close to the limit.
For your 2013 Expedition, Ford specifies that you should adjust the WDH to eliminate about 50% of the front end rise -- which implies you should restore about 50% of the load which was removed from the front end when the TT was attached with no WD applied.
I think Ron is correct in his calculation. FYI, you have a typo. Your TV w/ TT should be 7175, not 7715. Since your vehicle gained 575 with the weight dist. engaged, your actual tongue weight is higher, like Ron said, some weight was transferred back to the travel trailer axles which he calculated for you. You may need more TW to be stable, but that may also put you over your axle capacity. Personally, I'd try increasing the tongue weight even if it meant over loading the vehicle a little. At least as a test. Don't use the rear rack and move the spare to the front compartment.
Long term, since you boon-dock, perhaps adding a battery or three to the front A-frame will benefit your camping as well as your stability. You may find you need a tow vehicle with more payload in the long run.