Reddog1 wrote:
billtex wrote:
... maxum,not so sure this Guy actually owns any camper/truck, etc. ...
... Posts under 3 different user names (elkhornsun/wintersun/redsky) and has NEVER posted a pic of their rig on various forums. This is very unusual-(we all like to show off our rigs!). ...
Your search returned no results
redsky - Ben Sampson
This post suggest he/she has a TC, solar charger wiring
Here, a Lance 845,
Getting ready to pull the trigger on a Lance 855s
Here a Lance camper,
Buying first TT - New or Used?
wintersun - Bruce Stenman
3400 lb. camper
Help with payload
Here a camper
Winter fuel consumption Propane Furnace
Just saying.
After reading many post by the above mentioned posters I tend to agree with Billtex . Is there any verification by the forum or moderators as to the name a person puts down for membership . Just sayin'