The new tow specs will be a min speed of 40 mph on a 5% grade with IIRC 60 sq ft of frontal area for this sized rig. An additional 20 or so ft will add an additional 20-25HP needed to the flat ground HP to stay going 60mph. This rig will probably surprise on in how fast etc it will do, as the smaller rigs like this have had power figures upped just as those of us with larger twucks have had power figures upped. Any on still remember when 160-200hp was a BIG HP rating in our diesels? now it is 350-400. At the same time, the smaller rigs like a kia had 100-125hp, now many have 200-225HP and torque in the 200-300 ft lb range. Approaching BB power of the late 70s and early 80's. Yes it will slow down with a more typical loaded 4000lb trailer that is around 80-90# of frontal area. You will be down a gear or two due to the motor needed to rev to get is HP. Realistically, you should be better than you think.
Renting a trailer which depending upon where you are for a week, would be a smart move if you can rent one.