I heard back from Starcraft this morning, as well as from the Department of Public Safety. I have pretty much decided against trying to tow double with this trailer, and am looking more into to hauling the boat truck top. But, I thought I would put the information out for others in the future who might have the same question.
Starcraft Customer Service wrote:
Dear Mr. *****,
Thank you for taking the time to email Starcraft Customer Service. Your comments and questions are important to us and I would like to help. Starcraft RV does not recommend the installation of a hitch to the frame or bumper. Starcraft RV has not completed any testing for this type of installation and could not advise on it’s performance. Starcraft RV does not sell any type of product to raise the height of the RV. Aftermarket products, such as the one you inquire, are sold and installed at the dealership level. I suggest contacting your local Starcraft dealership with your request.
Thanks again, for the opportunity to be of assistance.
Thank you,
Craig Newcomer
Lead Representative
Customer Service
Jayco Inc./StarCraft RV
DPS-UHP wrote:
Mr. *****,
Thank you for your correspondence with the Utah Highway Patrol. We appreciate it when members of the public contact us with their questions or concerns.
It is not against the law to pull two trailers as long as the overall length of the load does not exceed 65 feet. Utah Code 72-7-402 outlines the restrictions placed on vehicle and load sizes. I have included a link to a website where the code is listed. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Sgt. Brian Spillman
Having read the code he provided, Utah does not specify what type of trailer either trailer must be while towing double, just that it can't exceed 65 ft.