My rig has several low spots on it. Not sure if that's just from age over the years, a tree branch fell on it during the prior owner's tenure but it's not low in that spot? I have no clue. I keep all calk joints maintained well with Dicor and she's always been dry/leak free inside.
I would have to guess that Billy's issue is an anamoly. I've just never heard of that happening before. The low spots on my roof do pool with water and make bird baths when it rains, but the aluminum in those areas are in the same condition as the rest of the roof. IE very good.
I will miss the aluminum roof on the Layton when the day comes for it to go, that's for sure. We may go with a new rig in the next few years. My wife and I would like to have some more room for the kids and we'd like a fixed queen bed to sleep on. I've been looking hard at the Jayco 26BH, eventhough I'm not impressed or thrilled with Jayco's customer service at this point. I was directed to an individual there and he was not very responsive to my questions and acted like he could care less what I thought. Not good. But I like that Layout and the large compartment doors for the Jayco in the storage areas.
Funny, but when I see rigs I sell rolling down the road with their new owners I always feel a little sad. Camping is such a great family activity. We make so many memories. It forces you to spend time as a family, away from the TV and other pressures of everyday life. That's what I really enjoy about it, personally. I just love it.