Crawled under this morning to take a look. Sure enough, a broken wire in the rear axle hub driver side . A quick fix with a crimp and tape to work for the trip until I make a better permanent fix. the other 3 were in tact and looked good although the cheap wire job went to one axle and pigtailed over ....... junk!!!!
With covid and a bad fractured ankle 16 months ago I did not use trailer a lot for past 2 years and did not notice things but knew braking was not right....... my fault for sure. I figure I was running with only braking on my front axle!!!!!
While getting started this morning I notice my front tire on passenger side of trailer has 2 good size pieces of the rib missing . These are Sailun 3607 good tires I put on 6 years ago. Glad I saw it!!!!!! Dropped the spare and looked at that piece of junk and thought no way!!!
Called a local reputable shop and they had 4 sailuns left and had me installed 2 hours later . Great shout out to Kal tire!!!!!
I did have about 35,000 k on the first sailuns so no complaints there.
Thanks to all you who helped out.
Safe travels!!!!