woodsmitch wrote:
My brakes got weak on my HH II and I adjusted them which didn't make much difference. I was thinking maybe I need a brake job but I now notice that when I apply the brakes the read-out only reads 3.0. I have it set on 9.0 and the setting on Heavy Electric Brakes. I can apply them by hand and it goes to 9 just like it should and almost locks the wheels at 20-25 mph,
Says it is in the TV side...since you can lock the trailer brakes
using the 'manual' mode
but I can stand on the pedal as hard as I can and it only reads 3. I am fairly certain in the past it would go to 9 with the pedal also.
This confirms that it is on the TV side
Am I correct in thinking it should go to the setting?
I appreciate your assistance!
There is a lot going on with any 'highly integrated' trailer brake
'Highly integrated' will/might have the traction control sending
some message to the brake controller to NOT go full on
Or...the ABS system doing a similar/same
Or...the ECU doing same/similar
Or...the tranny computer doing similar/same
Or...anyone of the above input sensors acting up
The inter-dependencies and prerequisites is unknown and guess even
to the dealer techs
Then the trailer wiring (routing, sizing, connectors, etc) and the
brake wiring/magnets might be affecting the TV brake controller
Since 'highly integrated' brake controllers use the MC PSI as its
sense input and the manual lever/button does NOT...maybe you might
have a problem with the TV's braking system...low fluid, MC PSI
sensor acting up or going bad...air in the brake fluid...etc