Since you're up north, my first suggestion would be to spend some time online at RVWholesalers. Their pricing is excellent and you may find that your budget will allow for a brand new. In any event, you can use the website as a tool for seeing a lot of manufacturers/brands/models without having to drive all over the world. They do not post prices, but will email they to you. You can guestimate about a 30% discount off MSRP.
Agree you do a bit more research on exactly what your vehicle will tow. We tow with an '03 Ford F-150 with the factory tow. Our rating is 8000# and the new TT we bought in May is 6629 GVWR and we're no where close to that.
It's just the 2 of us and we found the Rockwood Ultra Lite 2604 to be the perfect TT for us. It does have a nice sofa bed with air mattress, so on the rare occasion we need an extra bed, it's available. Don't know if the 2604 is still available, but they have a 2604WS, which added a huge 4-door closet in the bedroom on a slide. In our case, we neither wanted or needed the extra storage, weight or $$, so we're perfect as is. The MSRP on our 2604 was right at $32,000 and we paid $20,000 and change.
In most cases, in addition to showing the floor plans, there will be a video of both inside and outside and a spec listing....not always up to date.
House of Camping in the Chi area was good enough that a fellow hybrider drove from CA to Chi and after trip expenses came out several thousand ahead.
Do as much as you can online, then locate dealers and then head out the door. BTW, RVW is located in Lakeview, OH and considering the trip from West TN for our HTT, we saved over $4000 and on our new TT, more than that, so the drive was well worth it.
I don't know of anywhere that breaks the listings down by length, weight, etc, but RVW does tend to list the smaller sizes in a category first and work to the larger ones.
Good luck in your search. Suggest you confirm all your numbers before you get emotionally attached to a particular model and then find it's not going to work.