Forum Discussion

tomman58's avatar
Apr 20, 2021


After several years of visiting this site I have to ask.... Why are so many interesting in such odd setups to their trailering????

I travel across the US from Michigan to Maryland to Las Vegas to Tucson to Florida every year pretty much. I have a Dmax and a 36' Jayco TT. I am wondering just how many of you really need or want items like 55 gallon diesel tanks, or worry about MPG or a reasonable speed to travel at.
Unless you spend weeks and months on the road like we do annually then why would you sweat these items??
I am not a full timer but would guess our travels that takes several weeks never needed answers to these items listed above. I mean why sweat a 55 gallon fuel tank?? You only go out while on vacation a few weeks a year and your roan time is but a few days not weeks. Your speed is derived from knowing your set up and you experience again a few days on the road doesn't make you a hauler.
I don't know but most inquires seem like not of much value to most.