I've got a 2013 770 SL. It was 5 months old when I got it from a couple that had never even used it. Fortunately I got a very good buy price wise. Unfortunately it's been a nightmare! They might possibly be a good camper, but whatever crew put mine together needs a foot where the sun never shines! Side trim where the wing bottom covers the side paneling overlapped by less than 1/16 inch. Due to the natural flexing running down the road, the trim was pulled lose exposing the camper to water intrusion. Leak over rear door. About a 1 inch area where there was no caulk. One year later,plywood under bed delaminating due to a leak. Had to remove and replace the plywood under the bed. There's a piece of trim that covers the seam where the rubber roof meets the metal nose up front. Well they started the trim about 3/4 of an inch from the side trim on the passenger side, so when they got to the driver's side, what did they do? They left it too long and ran the side trim up over it leaving a big gap underneath. Of course their solution was a big goob of caulk to seal it. Guess what it didn't work! Also discovered that the metal roofing on the nose was cut too short to meet the side near the top. More caulk was the fix for that also. Maybe my camper was built by some hack that just didn't give a darn, and hopefully has since been fired. But from my personal first hand experiences with a Travel Lite build, I'd recommend staying far away from them. PS, I also had the bubbling issue with Dicor and the roofing material when I installed a Fantastic roof fan. It took quite awhile, but it did finally shrink back to a near normal position.