I replaced the rubber roof on mine in October of last year because of a water leak where the rubber roof meets the nose cap at the seam. Everything was fine until another leak showed up during Memorial Day weekend. I took the camper back to where I had the new roof put on last year and they apparently didn't put a new gasket or seal around the air conditioner when they were putting it back up on the roof and they also didn't seal up a 3/16th inch screw hole which caused the latest leak. They admitted that they were at fault so they didn't charge me anything for the fix. Everything seems to be fine now since I caught these leaks in time before they became a serious problem. I'm not seeing any other issues to be concerned about right now like several others on this Forum have had but I will keep a close eye on things to see if they ever do develop. I really do like this camper and enjoy it immensely and it's good to know that mine was built before the fiasco of 2013 or 2014.