'ppreciate the comments and the diversity of thought. To address some of the comments:
If you had the view I have sitting on my upper deck on the old ranch house on the S edge of the Texas Hill Country, I can see a cloud bank moving over Houston from my hilltop.
I have gone back and forth onj the F 350 vs F450 for several years. The cost difference for a King Ranch max out CC is less than a $1000 bucks, however, cost of ownership is a bit higher on the 450 or so I have been told. One major advantage is the tighter turning circle. My F 350 cannot turn around on a football field...
Here is the Ford payload specs and they don't give the 450 much as all. https://www.ford.com/cmslibs/content/dam/brand_ford/en_us/brand/resources/general/pdf/guides/Prelm19RV&TT_Ford_SuperDtyPU_May4.pdf