toedtoes wrote:
JBarca wrote:
toedtoes, this thread is becoming an educational event. That After Run System is for sure not a normal vehicle thing. First, does everyone read the manual that closely? Second, not knowing all the background on Busdrivers situation, could there be a temp sensor malfunction and it engage the After Run System?
Wonder how many dealers even know about such a feature.
Then comes the, if equipped. Not sure if GM still uses the RPO code feature, but how does one know if your truck has this After Run System feature?
Yeah, it really surprised me too. And I suspect most dealerships don't know about it.
For many owners, it would probably never happen. But for RVers, this is a BIG deal.
I wonder how many folks think they must have hit their fob when the truck actually activated this feature.
Well, Busdriver doesn't have the after run system as his truck is a 2019. The after run system was introduced for the 2020 model year.
If this happened the one time and I had my key's in my pocket while I was snoozing on the couch, sure wouldn't be posting about it... Get on with life.