tomkaren13 wrote:
Just a question or maybe a vent. We are looking for another TT. Have only one dealer near our home. So I have been doing an online search. Can't seem to get the information we need with out filling in a questionnaire or doing an online chat. Seems like they want our info but will not give us any without our full history. So call the dealer and ask basic questions such as length and price. Why do we not get call back or why is the information not on the website?
(Not to much out there by private party)
There are SOOO many RV's for sale in Florida. And just as many dealerships and not that many miles from east to west! :W
I am looking for a TT for a friend and I use Craigslist. Just make sure to scroll down and click on a city near you to search in.
You will also see a tab for dearer and owner. Leave both of these open and you will get dealership ads run by the salesman. THEY do respond to your email from the listing on Craigslist.
It's a new world out there. Phone calls do NOT hack it anymore when doing business. It's all emails now if you want a response.
And actually I think it's better because the dialog is all recorded now in an email and can be referenced and printed out as proof when needed. And gives them a record to stay on top of things. Where a phone call is a he said she said and notes scribbled all over!
Good Luck finding your RV.
I am presently located in west n central Florida and there's quite few nice ones for sales at good prices.