I guess we're the exception. My husband wants to watch NCAA basketball and we're leaving for our 3 months out west early March... Having said that, we used our HD built-in antenna on our 2014 Lance 1685 4000 miles from Illinois east down the coast all the way to Key West FL. Most of the time, almost all the time, we were able to get a couple PBS stations ... or maybe several Latino stations from our HD antenna. Through the Outer Banks etc. Had cable in campgrounds twice in 6 weeks.
We bought a portable satellite TV system (adding a "room" to our home DirecTV) for our 3 months out west. Local channels were somewhat of a challenge, but I think we figured it out... if you're interested, here's a post I did on our research...
http://trailertraveler.net/ins-outs-of-portable-satellite-tv-for-rv/Ins & Outs of Portable Satellite TV.
We don't watch alot of TV, but both love Big 10 NCAA Basketball & "the big dance"....