Mike Up wrote:
As I said earlier, the only TTs I would recommend are the Rpods. This due to their light weight, short length, and aerodynamic/small frontal surface area design.
I don't recommend true 100% fiberglass trailers. I talk to my dealers service centers and hear of the horror stories of fiberglass stress cracks. Plus I've been in them, and their short ceilings and small living area leave me wanting a pop up over them. I only recommend something I would buy myself.
As far as tent trailers, there is some significant issues with the tent down to the ground. As many know in the U.S.A., raccoons are everywhere and numerous and most are fairly tame to people unfortunately.
As with any tent, you can't cook inside or have any food inside the tent, as the raccoons will tear the tent open with their sharp claws and pillage for food whether there's any in there or not, or just the smell in the tent material from cooking in it. That's also with you in there or not, as they aren't afraid of people.
I've seen this happen 1st hand, several times, to the inexperienced camper.
You need a trailer that's off the ground, and where the tent can't be reached by these critters. A pop up with solid 1/4 or 1/2 walls, and a hard door, keeps them from coming in. That's why you have a kitchen in most pop ups while tent trailers rarely have a kitchen in them.
I like both tent trailers and pop ups, but you have to treat a tent trailer like a tent, while a pop up can be used just as a travel trailer.
Pop Tops were popular in the 90s as I've looked at several used units. They were essentially replaced by High Wall Pop Ups in the 2000s.
CamperTrailers work, because we do not have the furry animal problem,,still they do not go to the ground.
Pop Tops are hard wall here, composite construction. All Fibreglass replaced by Composite construction including metal laminates. Egg Campers, have the problem of being too fragile
Rpods a bit too small and not very robust. Small Egg Campers like Scamp would be better.
High Wall Pop Ups i are traditional folding trailers here. CamperTrailers are much bigger overall
These are just called Campers here. Pop Tops much more substantial, they are more like your Hybrid Trailers
Pop Top Caravan