Dadoffourgirls wrote:
I agree with everything said above except Spud on a technicality. It is a more powerful hotspot than current smartphones.
Because my daughter had interviews for admission to Veterinarian Colleges, we made a trip to Tennessee/Virginia in December, and Iowa and Kansas last weekend. She was on her iPad or laptop all the time. She never lost a signal. She did some Netflix watching, as well as studying and use of Google docs.
My daughters have also used it in Michigan, and there is only one spot where it did not work. I have been able to have a signal when my ATT smartphone did not.
your correct on better reception than a traditional cell phone. The antenna has more gain than a cell phone antenna, and the car phone/wifi has a higher output power than a traditional cell phone. You'll basically get the same performance from the car system that you would get using a cell phone with one of the wilson cell phone amps and antenna.
So for places with marginal normal cell reception or just out of range of a normal cell phone the onstar & ATT is likely to get you service.