jmacpolo wrote:
Thanks again for all of the replies. When I tow at 3000 and higher RPM we get in the 4-5 mpg range. At 4000 rpm the truck is very loud. I am not normally in a huge hurry when I an towing and never go more than 68mph but when you are on a two lane highway in the Mts and you have to slow down below too much, then you wind up in the truck lanes and stuck behind them going 35-40 mph and losing all momentum.
Of course staying at 3,000 RPM with *ANY* diff ratio will still have
the same HP as it shows on the torque/HP chart Turtle posted...but...
the point am trying to make for the OP to 'solve' his complaint is
to change to an even lower (higher numeric) diff ratio so that the
V10 will gain more HP at a higher RPM...but gotta find a way to get
tha point across...
One of the OP's comments is quoted above and in re-reading it, think
the OP wants it all and does NOT understand that in order to have
one aspect...gotta give up something else....
The OP should get a diesel and move up to a higher GVWR/RGAWR TV...that
does get most of what he wants, but still gotta give up something
How come moving to a higher numeric diff ratio and then moving up
about 10% higher get more HP via that is so hard to understand ????
Folks seem to think going to a higher numeric diff will also mean
sticking with the original RPM the OP stated...not my point at all...
Another of course is diesel folks generally like lower numeric and
gasser guys like higher numeric diff ratios...and is another not
an absolute...and another is why the OEMs are coming out with even
more close ratio gears for the trannies
Here is the chart posted earlier and note the higher HP moving higher
in the RPM axis...but as said...up to a point, as the ICE curve
does have a limit as to how high and still gain some point
both torque & HP will drop off...