South of tennessee most roads are in bad shape... a lot are poured concrete in squares like stepping stones... no slab level with a neighbor slab... Jarring to say the least. If I described them like I want too Wayne would be very busy sorting out the profanity.
We as a country can't collect enough takes to repair roads... except in extreme cases.
Tennessee Intersate Highways are in reasonably good shape... same for Kentucky... The interstate highways in Alabama, Mississippi. Louisana, and Texas about shook the Truck camper apart earlier this year,
Then, when you hit the secondary highways every where you get axel breaking pot holes... ripping out your campers tie downs... stressing you caulking.
I try going slower to minimize damage... doesn't seem to work... cussing doesn't either.
I see a lot of people speeding up... may be if they are fast enough they can fly over some of the damaged pavement... I can't tell... we see some of them over and over as we pass them by in the service stations or parked along the road.
We hear rumors that we are going to see huge tax jumps as vehicles get bigger and heavier.
And... I might be smiling when we are at home with our 54.6 mpg Prius... turns out that I fill it up about every 6 weeks... 8.5 to 9 gallons... this isn't fair either...I'm paying very little fuel taxes to use the roads... (I like to think that the Prius is so light that I really don't damage the roads)
The only thing that is working for me is that the 1 ton, 350, 3500 series vehicles are slated to remaing in the "light weight class" for tax purposes... every thing above that is heavy duty... to be taxed like commercial vehicles... heavily taxed... and not just at the pump like the light vehicles.... even on tires, etc.
Some of you might have heard more on this...
Thank goodness I don't seem to have much to worry about with the vehicles that I have registered... us retirees don't like to come up with an extra thousand dollars or more every year just to own a truck... maybe a lot more.
Vermont might ne that much worse than many other states... we have been there too!