If you have a good enough internet connection, google maps provides a lot of information on road conditions, including curves. Grades are a little harder to estimate (though sometimes I can find roadside signs via Streetview). I use terrain mode a lot. Viewing a route with bicycle mode shows the grades.
The drop into Paradox Valley on CO90 is quite evident on GM. I see similar curves on 141 after it crosses the Dolores River. It may even have a more sustained climb - about 6% for 6 miles. Otherwise 141 looks like it stays in open country and is relatively flat and straight.
On streetview I found a sign calling this Slickrock Hill. And 'Trucks use low gear, 7% grade for 6 miles' (at the top)
I've driven the Moab to Teluride route. 145 has a significant grade after Norwood where it drops down into a canyon to cross the river. I haven't driven 145 south from Telluride, but Lizzard Head pass is often cited as a good alternative to the Ouray-Durango 550 route.