ticki2 wrote:
Is that from experience ? It would lose some value for me as I would like to monitor batteries in sub zero temps .
Not sure who the question is directed too. As I stated before I leave all electronics in the trailer all year long. I check battery charge level approximately once a week on the trimetric it works fine, I also have the smart battery sense from Victron which relays temp directly from the battery box to the charge controller about 8-10 feet away. Everything works fine and displays fine. I should also mention the charge controller is Bluetooth and I can check battery, temperature and solar panels from inside my house. Trailer is near house in driveway. The only issue I have is after a snowfall I have to sweep the snow off the panels as they are flat mounted on roof. And even that if snowing for a few days I don’t clean off the panels until snowfall quits. I hope this helps your decision making. I also wrote to victron about the same concerns you have regarding the operating temperature. This was a few years ago and if I remember correctly the reply was the specs are what they where tested to but would work beyond that. They told me to google electronics and cold temperature operation to ease my mind, electronics don’t mind cold it’s heat that can harm.