SoundGuy wrote:
Nope, not complicated at all ... I've done one variation or another of this mod on every trailer we've owned, going all the way back to our popups. Simpler because there are no valves to reset, better (for us) as a separate fresh water transfer pump doesn't prevent my wife from using the trailer's system at the same time I may be transferring water, and third, it cost me nothing because the pump I'm using for transfer is the trailer's original pump which I replaced with a Shurflo Revolution. Win - Win. :B
I wrote earlier: "To make it work, all I did was remove the guts (check valve) from the city water connection. Then put a tee in the line behind the city water connection and connected the winterizing hose to the tee. Last, I installed an inline check valve after the tee. Valve 1 was the original valve on the winterizing hose."
I know that some want to add water pumps, wiring, battery boxes, more hose and fittings, but there is a cheaper, simpler way. I only bought a tee, check valve and hose clamps.
If I walk to a hydrant and bring back a container of water, my wife has no problem waiting a few minutes till the water is drawn in. Can't imagine that would be a problem for any reasonable camper. The fill operation can take place when convenient for everyone.
The three "complicated" valves are turned the opposite way while filling and returned when done. Hard to imagine that is beyond comprehension.
For a visual aid, I have the instructions next to the valves.