Forum Discussion

aarond76's avatar
May 08, 2013

Water Heater Issue

My in-laws have a DSI water heater. First trip of the season last weekend. The water heater will light for about three seconds and then the flame goes out. Relight again and same thing happens. If I hold a stick lighter at the burner for about a minute it would keep trying to quit but keep going because of the lighter. Take the lighter away and it will run for maybe 3 minutes and the quit. Tried this plenty long enough to purge the lines of air. Stove and refrigerator are running fine off of propane. When lit, the flame is a nice blue color. Any thoughts on what the issue could be? If there were a blockage if some sorts in the burner tube I would think the flame would be yellow or orange. Its like it keeps shutting off its gas supply. What controls when/whether gas is delivered? Thanks. Is there some sort of heat sensor that shuts off the gas if it thinks the flame has gone out? Thanks.
  • The spark electrode not only provides the ignition spark but when the main gas flame is lit the flame via 'ionization' creates a millivolt signal back thru spark electrode/wire to control module that holds power on gas valve solenoids to keep them open.
    Flame should engulf electrode.

    No return signal generated.......power drops out and gas valve closes.

    You either have:
    Bad electrode
    Bad electrode wire
    Bad ground
    Bad connection at module
  • I had the same issue a few years ago. While having someone else fire up the heater with the inside switch, I bumped the electrical connector that plugs into the circuit board....and it stayed on. Once I removed my hand from the connector, it went off. Connector contacts were dirty. It was an easy fix, just took a while to find. Sometimes it's good to get lucky !!!!
  • I'm no expert but it sounds like the flame sensor.....or whatever it is called...

    designed to cut off LP if no flame.