Old-Biscuit wrote:
You can pop open the Water Heater T&P Relief Valve (outside compartment) but should only be done to check for water in WH Tank)
Yup, this is the easiest way if you are in doubt about the bypass. Your temp and pressure relief valve is at the top of the heater, so it would have to be full of water for any to discharge from there.
I'm hesitant to use correct terminology on a water heater, for fear of insulting the easily insulted, but when you say the only valves are on the "back" of the water heater, do you mean the panel on the outside of your RV? I would refer to that as the front/exterior of the heater.
You should have a panel on the inside of your camper at the interior/back of the water heater to access it. Might be under a dinette seat, bed, couch, or might be in a closet.
Do you know if you have an Atwood or Suburban?