FishOnOne wrote:
And BTW I'm part owner of two Dodge Ram trucks with ..... a sorry transmission to back it up.
That doesn't narrow it done much, lol. I'm full owner of a Ram and a bunch of Dodge trucks in the past and speaking of calling a spade a spade, I could go on a Clark Griswold, got screwed out of my Xmas bonus tirade about most Dodge/Ram transmissions!
47/48RE, are ok and are simple and can be built VERY strong. But they were obsolete by the turn of the century, yet Dodge continued to use them for another half dozen years...
68RFE, again, decent from a reliability standpoint, but already outdated technology when they were introduced, still shift like a wet bag of dog poo, and now, 15 years later, it should be just embarrassing for everyone from the CEO down to the poor sap who has to put them in the new trucks on the assembly line...When people ask that guy what he does for a living, he probably says he's the local Chucky Cheese mascot, as that is less embarrassing!
Aisin, great trans, but still Ram is riding old technology and would be better with more gears (if the ZF Powerline would ever get introduced....would be a good day for Ram fans)
NV5600 - Best trans of the last 20 years. It shifts like a truck, but it's there.
G56 - trans is good, OE clutch may not outlast the first set of windshield wipers though!
And now there's no option for either handshaker...:(