eastcoasthd wrote:
.....and had the up graded 15K BTU a/c.
That's one of the things all the quotes I offered didn't consider. I got every possible feature on our trailer which included the 15k BTU AC. Being in Florida, that's key. I already added a Fantastic Fan and would consider a 2nd one of those or the 2nd wired AC in the bedroom. Still it was nice they added all that extra in and lowered the price to what I wanted.
On my first trailer I got lucky because it was at the end of an RV show and we had negotiated for an 07 Keystone Springdale trailer in July of 07. It took so long for them to agree to the deal I wanted that when they went to finalize the paperwork, they had sold the last 07, so I made them give me the 08 at the same price. We walked with the brand new trailer at 35% off MSRP plus a new WDH+installation and TTL. They were supposed to give me 2 batteries as well, but they backed out on that because they said moving me to the 08 was a better compromise. At that point, I didn't care.
In the end, they'll make a deal to move product. I tried to shake the guys hand to say...see ya, a few times, but he wouldn't do it. He kept knocking the price down until I signed. I stuck to my guns and they eventually caved. If it's worth the fight to you, you'll get the price you want....within reason.