fx2tom wrote:
TNGW1500SE wrote:
Ford didn't need to be bailed out by the government. Something I consider when shopping.
My 2010 f150 4x4 5.4 tows my 31' camper very well with 700 pounds of motorcycles in the bed.
That was my reasoning when I bought my F150. Didn't really matter when the truck ended up being a POS. Didn't even cross my mind when I bought my Ram.
Yeah, I never understood that line of reasoning.
Business and government have been in bed together for years. Before anyone on this board was even born, in fact.
I guarantee you most posters on this forum shop at Walmart.
MANY of their stores receive tax breaks and concessions from local governments that the local mom-and-pop businesses don't get. When it comes to GM, that is "socialism," but when it comes to Walmart, hey, "where is the RV aisle?"
A lot of posters on this board are probably also fans of NFL teams. Teams that hold their cities and fans hostage until they give them sweetheart, tax-free, deals for new stadiums. Deals that no other business in town is getting.
For the record, I have no problem with any of it. Not handouts to GM, Walmart, or NFL teams. If you do have a problem with it, however, at least be consistent and not let your outrage end when it comes to a certain brand.
And for the record, Ford borrowed money from the government. True, it was a loan, but why did they go to the government and not the banks? Do you think they got better rates? That's the same as a subsidy provided by the taxpayers.
The bottom line is, buy whichever truck you like the best.
All of the Big Three (and Toyota) make great trucks these days. I think it's silly to hate a brand out of tradition or because one is "anti-American," when most of the stuff you will buy to put in your RV was made in China, anyway.