Favorites have changed over the years.
1986 Toyota 2.4L 2WD (favorite at the time)
First new vehicle ever owned. Many a good road trip. Drove my girlfriend to the beach with that truck, proposed and she said yes. Been married over 30 years now. Lots of good memories.
1999 F150 Supercab 4.6L 2WD (favorite at the time)
After being married for a year twins came along after a few years decided I needed more seats. Pulled a pop-up with this and loaded the back with bikes, dutch ovens, wet suits, body boards, inflatable kayak, etc. Many great memories of camping and road trips with the family.
2001 2500 Suburban 8.1L 4WD (never really took to this one)
Bought used when kids were in high school. Son grew over 6' and was tight fit in Supercab and was occasionally hauling friends around. I know it is blasphemy on this board, but I never liked this rig. Steering left a lot to be desired, was constantly correcting heading down the freeway. Took it to multiple shops and no luck improving the steering. Really poor feel to the brakes.
2012 F150 SuperCrew 3.5L EcoBoost w/MaxPayload (favorite)
Kids are grown and out of the house. Seats fold up and give plenty of room for the dog. When family is around good seats to haul folks around. Great seats. Great low end torque and like running down the road at low rpms in a quiet cab. The Mrs. and I really enjoy road trips. Goes straight and true down the road, easy to drive. Really like this truck and plan to keep it a long time.
Thanks for the post. Was kind of fun to think about these different rigs. Each had it's own time and place. Current rig is my favorite.
Take it easy,