Hi ya Lowsuv and other folks,
I'm right with ya on the duramax /allison. I used to drive 18-wheelers and nothing moves 50,000 lbs like a diesel and when I retire in 7 years, that's going to be a option. I plan on doing some "out west" trips and that's 5 or 6000 miles, roundtrip.
Right now I forsee working like a madman until then and won't see much time to RV. So I'm looking at, start cheaper at first. Right now I'm looking at forgoing the 4X4 TV and go to 2X4, which cuts the cost of TV by thousands. I will keep my current car, a Subaru, which is perfect for what snow we get around here and use the TV for hauling what the Subaru can't handle.
I'm going to use the next 7 yrs. to get as much RV experience as I can so when I make the big jump to bigger and better TV/TT it will be more of a adjustment then starting brand new. Thanks for all you folks help, I'm sure I'll have many more questions and I've actually learned a lot in just the 2 days on here.