garryk6 wrote:
exhaustipated wrote:
I am curious to know why there are not more TC'ers on this Forum. I recently got back home from a two month TC adventure covering seven states and five thousand miles starting out with the 2014 2nd Annual Texas Truck Camper Rally in Kerrville, TX. During those two months the wife and I saw a lot of truck campers especially in Arizona, Colorado and Utah but when I asked if they ever go on-line to RV.Net Open Roads Forum for Truck Campers they would look at me and say that they had never heard of it before. Is this a common reply for everybody else also? I don't quite understand why these fellow TC'ers have never heard of this great Forum that we all have here. This is a wonderful Forum with plenty of interesting topics and trip reports and is also a great way to post questions and get answers to those questions from the experts on here. I'm hoping to have generated a little interest in this Forum to those fellow TC'ers out there to want to become new members in the future.
To get back to the OP's topic,
I came to back when I was looking at upgrading from my 1977 22' TT to a 2001 Nomad 308 TT with slideout.I learned much in that time, but then departed for awhile. Later after purchasing a Class-C after moving to Alaska, I was disappointed in how limited I was to access much of Alaska. Later I got my F350 for work, and started to contemplate moving from a Class-C to a truck camper... Most people thought we were off our rocker to cram a family of 6 into a truck camper.
Fast forward to today... After buying a gutted 1966 Avion TC, I met 67 Avion here, and so was created the Avion Rebuild thread. I frequent that thread now more than the TC forum even, but I do like to drop in and see what is going on. Life does start to get in the way occasionally, so I drop out for awhile, then return.
In my opinion (and we all have them) the TC forum can be a bit like your own family. Things go great for awhile, then there may be a tif, or an argument, or you get busy and don't talk for awhile, but eventually you come back, because you have one thing in common. Your family. The TC forum is much like that. We still learn things from each other. And we try to help each other out. The TT forum is not like this. I think it is too big, and too many varied TT's from little to BIG. Though, when TC'er's get together, we can be almost as varied. From the little pop-up TC to the Huge quadruple slide behemoth, from the brand-new off the factory showroom to the rescued from the trash-heap and lovingly rebuilt. Each of us has out niche, and comfort levels. That is what makes this so much fun! I hope it continues for many years to come!
Garry in Kodiak, AK
Well said, but sometimes it gets a little too serious on this forum and a levity / sarcasm placed in the mix helps put things into perspective, after all it camping is a hobby to most people and it should be just as enjoyable to talk about it as to do it. Variety is the spice of life isn't it?