And don't get me started about my fellow TT folks -- when this subject comes up, very, very few of them have ever visited or Woodall's or Trailer Life, and they are just stumbling around in the dark, trying to reinvent the wheel,... my impromptu surveys while traveling, very few campers and RVers over the age of roughly ~mid 30s frequent the Internet to do anything substantial (this includes Facebook, and other similar genre). In light of this, almost no one we know (working kids in their late 20s and 30s) have disposable income, let alone enough to buy a $20,000 (used) to $90,000 (new) truck camper rig. This cohort typically tent camps, or, borrow a tent trailer to camp.
Most of those doing motorized RVing or hauling big TTs/5ths are well established in their careers (earning enough to accumulate disposable income substantial enough to buy an RV), and are typically in their 40s+, and just don't frequent the Internet nearly as much as 20 somethings...and teens.
Anyhow, this is my experience, and not gospel (read it as anecdotal).