I had a shop a couple of years ago tell me that I could benefit from getting air bags, then recently I had some work done at Camping World and a person in the Service Department highly recommended air bags for towing, he was the one that told me they would improve gas mileage.
Camping World does not install air bags so they recommended a couple of shops to me. The shops I called also told me air bags would improve handling and gas mileage when towing. I did not ask how they improve gas mileage. But all of the shops I called wanted between $1,500 and $2,100, depending on whether I wanted an onboard compressor or not. I imagine they are a lot cheaper if you buy and install them yourself.
That is why I thought I’d ask for some input here on this forum. I did some research online and there are lots of websites that say air bags do help with fuel economy. Here are a couple of those websites: